Murdoch leaning towards McCain

September 10th, 2008

The New York Post, which for most of its history has backed the Democrats, has come out for John McCain in an editorial judgment delivered two months before polling day. Although this is not Rupert Murdoch’s most important newspaper the fact that it has come out so early so emphatically can be taken as an indication of the way Murdoch is leaning. The Wall Street Journal, his latest acquisition, has not yet declared itself, but since it has been mostly Republican, and has a strong Republican readership, it is likely to vote for McCain as well. Fox News, Murdoch’s television channel has been noticeable for its many anti-Obama slanted stories.

The London Times has provided in its news reports and from its columnmists some fuel for both sides, but my impression is that as the weeks have gone by it is veering towards McCain.

The Washington Post and the New York Times has provided plenty of ammunition for the Democrats, particularly by pointing out Sarah Palin’s short-comings, like this story in the Post today which alleges she has been cheating on her expenses.

And on this side of the pond The Guardian has been providing plenty to cheer up the Democrats, notably this story by Gary Younge today. It is an analysis of the state by state polling results. These demonstrate a big lead by Obama in the most important states whereas the national polls are showing only a narrow lead for Obama. As Younge points out, since the President is elected by the sum of the votes of the states, not by the nationwide popular vote, this could make all the difference.

But Younge still thinks the election will be close, because, as he says, the polls are notoriously unreliable and the experts disagree as to how they should be interpreted.

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