A trip to the Flower Show (Charmouth not Chelsea)

August 16th, 2008

Despite the rain and the chilly wind outside and the lure of the Olympic Games inside, many of the hardy inhabitants of Charmouth trooped down The Street to the annual Flower Show. Janet went to look at the flowers. I went to take a few pics of whatever took my fancy.

There were many cups and plates to be won, and some of the regulars, who had no doubt been working on their entries all summer, managed to win two or three.

My own first prizes went to a category meant to evoke the spirit of All that Jazz and Rhapsody in Blue. Given the appalling quality of my pictures I need to tell you that All that Jazz had a miniture jazz band around it.

It was not until I got there that I realised there was a photography competition as well. This is a picture I took yesterday which I might have entered in the Men at Work category. Since I took it the drive has been covered with red scalpel bits, many of which were transferred to the hall floor as I went to and fro. Tomorrow’s visitors will have to leave their shoes at the door Japanese style.

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