Trials of the non-technical blogger
May 12th, 2008Ever since I moved onward and upward to the wonderful new version of the WordPress program the type size of my posts has become so minute that I need a magnifying glass to read it myself. Under the version I could control the type size in several ways, but I am now in a new ballgame. Readers will have noticed that I have been trying to rectify this, with the help of my very good friend trial and error.
I managed to increase the size. But it made all the posts I had made before the change look like those big type books for the old folks you see so much of today. Which means that even before they have read what I have to say it seems that I am shouting at the readers.
In the midst of all these unwanted technical work a message popped up on screen telling me that my Registry needed updating. Now I am not really sure what the registry is, but I do know that it does something very important and that it is nothing to do with marriage.
I thought in my innocence that it was Bill Gates’ lot helping me to keep my computer in good shape. So I pressed the buttons and had my Registry scanned. I gazed in horror as the the cursor sped across the screen with an ever-increasing number of errors in my Registry that needed fixing. The final total was 1647 errors. So I pressed the next button to have them dealt.
Only then did I realise that this was not part of the service you get in return for the high prices you pay for Microsoft products. It was another company who had found its way on to my computer and calls itself, Advanced Registry Optimiser. They want me to pay £19.95 to fix it, on a bargain trial offer.
No thinks. There probably is a way of cleaning it up with a Microsoft program already on my computer. Tedious. But I will look for it as a matter of urgency.
As soon as I have got the type size right, so that people can read this and further installments of my gripes about how companies treat us.