Sun shines for the ‘Arctic’ bank holiday
March 22nd, 2008Never let your life be governed by what you read in the newspapers, particularly if it is about the weather. We were warned in print and on the television news that we were in for an Arctic bank holiday. Today, for the sceond day running, the sun has been shining in Lyme Bay. True, there was a brief snow flurry on the coast road from Bridport. And we ate lunch to a wind symphony at high volume, and watched the ferns waving vigorously in the garden.
But this afternoon, anoraked, scarved and ear muffed, we sallied forth the beach, The cafe was doing a roaring trade from the custom of those like us, who had not stayed in to watch the telly. There was plenty of debris around produced by Monday’s storm, which flooded the car park. But this afternoon most of the beach was sheltered from the wind. The waves were lapping gently over the pebbles, not dashing against the rocks. And it was warm enough to sit and stare for ten minutes or so.
As I write this just before 6 PM, the sun is still shining. Portland Bill is clearly visible and the clouds in the sky are white and fluffy and lit by the evening sun.
Last night it was cold. But the family was so moved by the full moon, which made the ocean look like a pool of very light grey lead from our vantage point up the hill, that they went down to the beach after dinner. I missed out, partly because I was a bit tired, and partly because someone has to do the baby sitting.
There are still two days to go. So there is still time for the forecasters to be half right. But don’t let them put you off if you are planning a day out. And even if it does turn seriously colder, I doubt that you or me are in danger of getting frostbite.