Spitzer pays the price

March 13th, 2008

Eliot Spitzer resigned with a brief statement of apology. Whether the delay was because he was trying to negotiate a plea bargain is still not clear. But investigators  have made it public that they have come to no agreement with him. So the price he pays by the loss of an upwardly modile career may be just the first instalment.

The investigations concern the way he paid for his nights of pleasure. If he has breached the law on this count, and is also found guilty of breaking the rules about not crossing state boundaires to pay for sex, he could be facing a few years in jail too.

His departure thrusts David A. Paterson into the Governor’s mansion. He will the  first New York black governor, the third black governor, and the first ever blind governor. He has been a supporter of Hillary Clinton. But there must be lots of African Americans who hope he will change his vote.

Have to break off because we have old American friends for dinner. He is for Hillary, she is keen on Obama. Can’t wait to hear what they have to say.

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