Presidents in fancy dress

February 25th, 2008

BBC radio news just now has picked up just now on the latest infighting in the fight for the Democratic nomination for President. Apparently the Clinton campaign has been circulating a photo of Obama in Somali national dress on a visit to Kenya, in the hope that middle America will be reminded that Obama is really not much different from the slaves who came over from Africa in the last century. It is not likely to have quite the same impact a picture of Obama in a passionate embrace with a white intern.

It’s all a bit of a giggle. It is really a picture story which radio cannot do justice too. According to the Washington Post the story originated in the Drudge Report, which scooped the mainstream press with the Monica Lewinsky story, which caused more than a little embassment to husband Bill when he was actually in the White House.

I checked it out. Drudge treats it tongue in cheek. Along with the picture of Obama, is one of Hillary in her head scarf talking to a Muslim audience, Bush in some kind of native dress, and Bill Clinton similarly attired.

 Have a look for your yourself by following this link:

Some stories are much funnier in print than on radio.

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