UK Election – Three – Toyotas kill you, even if you are driving them
March 28th, 2010Cars have been killing people, ever since they were invented. Mostly pedestrians who got in their path. But in the last few weeks the world”s biggest car manufacturer has been forced to admit that it has recently been producing cars that kill their drivers. Including tthe famed Prius, which is so ecological, running on battery in town, that the Clintons have one each. Like most modern cars, what happens is largely a result of the electronics, which are mostly outside the drriver’s control. If you own one, or indeed if you own any modern car, you have to trust in these electronics.
As I have done, since I bought my Prius in April 2003. It is now as dearly beloved as the MGB I bought in 1967 and the Honda Civic I bought in 1995. All splendid pieces of engineering. But some of the recent Priuses have been going rogue. The accelerator has been accelerating although the driver’s foot was not on the pedal. So Prius drrivers have been caused by these amazing electronics to crash into the car in front.
Which in a few cases has resulted in the dirver’s death.
You don’t need to worry if you are an old Prius owner (I hope!). Because thhis is a recent development. It may result, although this is far from proven, from Toyota’s response to the economic crisis, which has forced all companies to pare costs to preserve the shareholders’ profit.
Toyota is one those many Japanese companies, which arose after the Second World War, sought to marry the capitlistic mores of the American conquerors, with local imperatives. It looked after its work force as well as the balance sheet. And it responded to none-commercial needs, including the ecological and those of safety, which had been highlighted by the critics of Detroit.
Toyota produced cars which are less likely to kill other people. And like the -Prius, are less likely to produce global warming.
Until the last year or so, when they have made some cars which kill their own drivers.