Gordon Brown is shooting himself in the foot
December 4th, 2008The British media today is full of the Brown riposte to the complaints of Damien Green, about police harrassment. Held for eight hours, etc. Because, like all politicians and all journalists, he gets some of his info from civil servants, who tell him what is really happening on their patch.
Gordon Brown is outraged by this. Because he is a control freak. Who thinks that all his subordinates should do what he says. Despite the fact, that his own career was fuelled by his own use of info from civil servants, who also had a concscience.
Brown is allegging that Green’s leak was giving him info which threatened national security.
Bolacks. No evidence.
But the case is given credence because Government ministers speak for it.
Brown is currently enjoying an increase in his popularity ratings. Because he has had much that is excellent to say about the current financial crisis.
But that does not give him the license to pillory people like Green who are doing, just what he did, an his way up. Listen to those civil servants who are prepared to talk with you.
More important.
Because of the fuss that Brown has made, the British news media was leading on the Green fracas.
But as Brown knows, this is trivial compared with the financial crisis.
For people who have been caught by the Brownite fondness for the monied classes who have been peddling them mortgages they could not afford, the reality is that they are now under threat.
Your job, dear Gordon, as a Labour PM, is to look after them.