Carry on smoking, Mr President
Monday, March 9th, 2009One election pledge that Barack Obama has apparently not yet delivered on is his pledge to give up smoking. The American media has kept very quiet about this, as they did about the compulsive womanising of John F Kennedy. So my information comes from the British press who have no such inhibitions about putting the boot in on what consenting adults do in private. The Daily Telegraph, not the most left-wing of British newspapers, even went so far as to suggest that his craving for a fag might have made him so irritated and tired that he did not show as much warmth towards the British Prime Minister hoped for.
My sympathies are with the American. If I had to spend even half an hour with Gordon Brown, I would be absolutely dying for a fag to help me keep my cool while he went on and on and on, while I was waiting to get in my questions.
Since Obama has found it so difficult to give up, we must assume that he is an addictive smoker rather than a social smoker. (There are no social smokers left in the US or in Britain, because to have a fag these days, you have deprive yourself of the warmth of human contact, and stand in windy doorways and brave the disapproving looks of the passers-by.)
He may well have experienced the bliss of inhaling deeply the first fag after enduring all the aggravations of one of those long meetings in now smoke free rooms, which are the inevitable lot of any political leader. He certainly knows how bad it is for his health.
But so absolute is the anti-smoking propaganda these days, that he may not know that there is scientific evidence that smoking helps some people, including manic depressives like me, to keep calm, when all around me are blowing their tops. And to think clearly. And none of the pills produced by the pharmaceutical industry to even out the mood swings are anything like as effective as smoking nicotine on this count. Neither are nicotine patches or chewing gum.
So carry on smoking, Mr President, although you run the risk of seriously shortening your own life. Carry on smoking for the sake of the rest of us. You have to deal with the worst US and world financial crisis and, as well, you have to initiate a new US policy towards the Middle East in time to stop a recurrence of the slaughter we all witnessed in Gaza two months ago. Etc, etc.
Most of the President’s thousands of advisers are probably giving him the opposite message, so I am asking the London Obama group to find a way of smuggling a copy of this into the Oval Room and putting in on top of the Presidential in-tray.
For the sake of all of us, please, Carry on smoking, Mr President.