Age has not withered them
Tuesday, February 26th, 2008Barack Obama is the darling of the college kids, and increasingly he is making the still handsome Hillary Clinton look like an over-worked school teacher, who is desparately trying to get the children to listen to what she says. As he sweeps from victory to victory, he is demonstrating that a man in his forties can as well get votes from people old enough to be his father, but America’s oldies are fighting back.
Ralph Nader, aged 73 has just announced that he is entering the fray for the third time. He does not have enough money to pay for the advertising and press coverage necessary to give him a chance of winning. And, regrettedly, it is highly likely that most of America’s youf do not even know who he is. But many academics, as well as some journalists, have argued that his canditure in 2000, was a critical factor in getting George W. Bush elected. Nader’s reputation rests on his life-long campaign to make big business accountable to the electorae. Amongst his many other achievments as the champion of the consumer he pushed Detroit into making safety a selling point for cars, along with the more seductive features of speed and appearance. It was a platform bound to frighten away all decent Republicans. But it warmed the hearts of many Franklin D. Roosevelt Democrats, apart from the trade unionists, who thought that Nader in power might well mean that many of their member would lose their jobs.
This time he is making it even more explicit He is the candidate of the people, not the party machines, not the other candidates who are being in his view, much too lovey dovey with big business. This time around he will not be an effective spoiler, either for Obama or Clinton, if she emerges as the Democratic champion.
Why? For a short answer, the best quotes are those everyone knows, which happen to come from a Republican President, Abraham Lincoln. You can’t fool all the people all the time. Powerful though his office is, the American President in 2009, cannot tell big business what to do. What I call, in shorthand, American consumer capitalism, is currently embraced by the Chinese, the Indians, and many of the Europeans. The giant international companies have many paymasters they have to satisfy. And they have become pretty expert in persuading their customers that their products and their world view is right.
Readers, you will all have read in the mainstream media, that Nader is running. But the point of this story is not, in accordance with the journalist training that those working in the mainstream media get, in the first paragraph.
It is the last paragpaph. Which will have to be a long one. And, as we all know, the mass readership only reads the first paragraph and the working classes don’t understand long words.
In the trawl for comments on Nader’s presidential bid, a CBS reporter asked Michael Bloomberg, the current mayor of New York, what he thought about it, at a routine press conference Bloomberg was giving about his business affairs. Bloomberg declared that every American had the right to stand for President. The message was go for it, Ralph. Additionally, as the CBS reporter dutifully reported, Bloomberg again denied that he was thinking of running himself for President. The CBS reporter worked hard and checked with the Bloomber supporters’ campaign. What they said is that Bloomberg will make his decision about whether he will run next week, after the results of the Texas and Ohio primaries.
Since I have written under the British libel laws, I would be the last person to accuse Bloomberg of lying. But I will say that his supporters know his mind better than he does! And I do think that Bloomberg could be a very serious contender. Not because I have not read my American history, and do not know of the long list of failed independent candidates. But because I believe that history never repeats itself.
But that is not a reason for not studying history.
Which reminds me, that the thing I am most proud in terms of my own personal biography is one of the things I did after I passed the British retirement age of 65, which was to start a new undergraduate degree is Journalism and Contemporary History at City University. All credit to City University for allowing, even encouraging me to start this degree. But my feelings about City University, like my feelings about most of the organisations I write about, are ambivalent.
Because a few years later City University fired me. (Message to the libel lawyers. This is journalistic licence. They did not actually fire me, they refused to renew my post-retirement contract, on the grounds, that, let’s face it, Bob, you are over seventy!)
But that’s just my own personal biog. So let’s return to the election for the leader of the most powerful nation in the world. The likely Democratic candidate is Obama, whom many still liken to JFK, for his appeal to youthful idealism. But they forget that the equally youthful George W. Bush, had made a pig’s ear of the job, so much so that anyone who stands for the Republicans is hobbled before he (or she, but so far there are not any she’s) has finished the first leg.
At the time I write, Obama is the clear front runner for the Democrats. On the Republican side there is no sign of a candidate who has any hope of stopping the bandwagon for McCain. His wife smiled at the press conference at which he was confronted with the New York Times suggestion that he had been fucking around with a blonde lobbyist. Quite different from Hillary Clinton, who looked distinctly uncomfortable when Bill was first being asked about Monica.
From my own viewing point, the sexual behaviour of the boss, is not the most important determinant. And, neither is it for the American electorate. Judged by the way people are voting, much of the American electorate does not vote according to prejudices about sexual preference, gender and race. This campaign has demonstrated that huge number of them are quite prepared for a woman or a black. (Whether they are ready for an openly gay President is still not indicated!)
And I don’t think they will blackball McCain because of the allegations that he has been an adulterer. Way back in the olden days, Palmeston acually won a British election when his opponents revealed his extra-marital affairs. Times change. But not too much. The journalists who followed Kennedy, knew all about his rather spectacular daily adulteries. They also knew that they doing in their own lives. Although they did not write about it.
But McCain has another problem, which has not been properly addressed by the mainstream media. He is 71. And will still be ruling America at 75 if he wins. He is older even than Reagan, 69 when elected, and Eisenhower, 61. Eisenhower was still only 68 when I arrived to live in America in 1959, but he seemed much older. As does McCain.
Bloomberg in only five years younger, but he is more in tune with younger people. If he runs agaist Obama he might have a chance. McCain would lose a fight with Obama, but he would save the face of the Republican Party, because history would judge they had chosen a decent and honourable man (even if it is later proved that he cheated on his wife, because let’s face it, he is not alone on that score.)